Fort Myers Real Estate Attorney

(239) 931-6767

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Over 25 Years of Experience in Florida
Board Certified in Real Estate by the Florida Bar
Former State Prosecutor
Former Special Magistrate
Former Attorney for the Largest Realtor Board in Southwest Florida
University of Chicago Graduate
Fort Myers Real Estate Lawyer

Fort Myers Real Estate Attorney

Fort Myers Real Estate Attorney | Fort Myers Real Estate Lawyer

The Law Office of Ned Hale provides experienced, specialized, and personalized legal representation to clients and businesses with real estate law interests throughout Florida.

When you are involved in a real estate transaction, you need things to go right. But if there is a problem with the title, it is easy for a transaction with many moving parts to get off track — potentially costing you a lot of money. That is why it is so important to have a skilled Fort Myers title attorney to guide you through the process of getting ready to close on a deal or asserting your interests forcefully if something goes wrong.

Our service to clients in real estate transactions is comprehensive. From building a house or building to leasing it, to selling it, to foreclosing on it, we have the familiarity with Florida law and the practical experience to fully protect your interests.

When the issue involves a potential title defect, our attorneys move quickly to take strong action to clear the title so that your deal can go through.

Your Source for Real Estate Attorneys in Fort Myers Florida

Estate Planning is not exclusively for the wealthy or those of a particular age. A proactive and properly-drafted estate plan ensures the best protection of your autonomy during temporary or extended incapacity, control over the disposition of your property, and the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones, and reduces the difficulty of administering your affairs during incapacity or after your death. Estate Planning is one legal service that virtually everyone needs at some point in their life and is often a client’s first experience with a lawyer. We specialize in educating clients about their options and creating customized plans that account for the specific goals and concerns of each client.

For more information about how Ned Hale of Hale Law Services can assist you with a wide variety of real estate matters, contact us online or call (239) 931-6767 to schedule your initial consultation today.

Taking Action To Get The Help You Need, Contact Our Fort Myers Real Estate Attorney

Office: Estero.

Available for consultation: Estero, Fort Myers, and Babcock Ranch

9990 Coconut Rd,
Estero FL 34135

15050 Elderberry Lane
Fort Myers, FL 33907

42881 Lake Babcock Drive, Suite 200, Babcock Ranch, FL 33982